Welcome to our Native American Indian Artifacts page. Here we offer a large selection of authentic handmade Native American reproduction Tomahawks from various Native American tribes and southwest Pueblos. All of our southwestern art can be purchased at a fair price, so if you're wanting to decorate your home or office on a budget or just add to a collection of fine handmade southwestern or Native American art you can!
We think once you give the AZ Trading Post a try you'll be quite pleased with our vast selection and commitment to quality and customer service that you'll think of us first when shopping on line for Native American and Southwestern style art collectibles and sothwest home decorating peices.
If you don't see something you like at this time check back from time to time because we will be putting other reproduction southwest and Native American artifacts in our on-line store.
Click on the thumbnails on the below to see the Artifacts we sell.