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Dream Catchers & Mandellas

Welcome to our Native American or Indian Dream Catchers & Mandellas page. Used by many Native American tribes who believed that the night air was full of both good and bad dreams . . . dream catchers were hung on cradle boards, in lodges and over the beds of all who where looking to have only good dreams as they slumbered.
Dream Catcher Legend
Click on the thumbnails below to see our Dream Catchers.
Each Dream Catcher comes with a Turquoise bead sewn into the webbing. A Certificate of Authenticity is attached along with the Dream Catcher Legend. *Size 9" Diameter |
Each Dream Catcher comes with a Turquoise bead sewn into the webbing. A Certificate of Authenticity is attached along with the Dream Catcher Legend. *Size 9" Diameter |
By Cherokee Artist Jasmine Battle Please Allow 2-3 Weeks To Receive |
By Cherokee Artist Jasmine Battle Please Allow 2-3 Weeks To Receive |
Your Price $89.95 |
Your Price $99.95 |
Experience the cultural beauaty of Native American Dream Catchers. A Certificate of Authenticity is attched. *Available in several sizes & assorted colors |
The 6" Spirit Wheel is a Combination Dream Catcher and Medicine Wheel together. A Certificate of Authenticity is attached. Assorted Colors |
Native American Dream Catcher |
6" Spirit Wheel Asst. Colors |
Your Price $13.95 to $120.00 |
Your Price $107.95 |
The hand painted leather star shield Mandala comes adorned with Crow beads and tip plumes. *Size 14" Diameter |
The hand painted leather star shield Mandala comes adorned with Crow beads and tip plumes. *Size 14" Diameter |
End Of Trail |
Eagle |
Brown Your Price $148.00 |
White Your Price $148.00 |
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