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Bull Skull with Horns & Hides

Your Southwestern home or garden décor would not be complete without one of our bull skulls! Skulls can also be displayed indoors on a wall by itself, or with one of our wool rugs or throws displayed behind it. They also look great outdoors in your rock or cactus garden. In Texas, Arizona and New Mexico you can also find a Longhorn Skull hanging over the fireplace. Also check out our new painted bull skull gallery to add a little color to any wall in your home.
We also have a large selection of cow or calf hides and lamb skins for rugs or use them for upholstering a chair or stool. Crafters we have white rabbit furs that you can use in a variety of crafts. Create a Southwestern feel to you homes décor with out having to brake your decorating budget.
Click on the thumbnails below to see the Bull Skulls & Hides we sell.