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Native American Craft Kits
Leather Craft Kits

Welcome to our Native American or Indian lore craft kits and craft supply page.These items are great for parent/child educational projects or Indian lore enthusiasts looking for more than just a toy replica. Our tipi craft kit is probably the most accurate tipi/teepee model you will ever find anywhere. When you finish this project, you will have the knowledge necessary to erect a full size tipi.
If you don't see something you like at this time check back from time to time because we will be putting other southwest items in our store.
Click on the thumbnails below to see the Leather Craft Kits we sell.
Kit has pre-cut, pre-punched suede leather parts, foam insoles, lace complete instructions. In medium width sizes. Men order one size larger.
Medicine Man Pouch kit is a great place to keep your personal treasures. Includes pre-punched leather parts, needle, thread and instructions. |
Scout Moccasin Craft Kit |
Medicine Man Pouch kit |
Your Price $29.95 |
Your Price $39.95 |
Complete dream catcher kit includes a 4" hoop, 3 buckskin thongs, 12 fluffs, arrowhead, 12 Crow beads, simulated sinew and fully illustrated instructions
Fringed Suede Purse kit includes pre-punched suede parts, needle, thread and easy-to-follow instructions. Sized: 5-1/2" x 6". |
Dream Catcher Kit |
Fringed Suede Purse kit |
Your Price $24.95 |
Your Price $45.95 |